Tuesday, 11 December 2012

6 Factors Affecting Students’ Motivation in Learning English

There are many factors that affect students’ motivation in learning English. According to Oxford and Shearin as cited by Abisamra identified six factors that impact motivation in language learning are attitudes, beliefs about self, goals, involvement, environmental support and personal attributes. 

1.    Attitudes

According to Zimbardo and Lieppe as cited by Iulia, “Attitudes refer to an evaluative, emotional reaction (i.e. the degree of like or dislike associated with the attitudinal object).”  In the context of motivation in language learning, the positive attitudes will develop students’ successful language learning. It will reflect from their daily activities such as how they pay attention to the teacher explanations or asking some questions if they do not understand about the learning material.

2.    Beliefs about self

Students have certain belief about language learning that influence their motivation. Alba Iulia mentions about various beliefs that influence language learning are the mother culture, the family, classroom/social peers, repetitive experience, and self-fulfilling (often negative) prophecies.  Thus, if they had negative belief about language it will lead them to frustration and lack of confidence in perform communicative activities. 

3.    Goals

Students who are setting their learning goals tend to be more focus on learning process. It is explained by Ambrose et. al that goals provide the context in which values and expectancies derive meaning and influence motivation.  Whether they had short term goal such as passing the final exam or get “A” for English subject and long term goal such as study overseas or work at prestigious company in the future. Therefore, goals engage students to concentrate on their study and motivate them all of time. 

4.    Involvement

Involvement means the condition which makes a person participating in something.  In this case, students who show high involvement tend to be part of active participant in language learning activities. 

5.    Environmental Support

The factor of environment also influences students’ motivation in language learning. With a positive environment, student will feel comfortable and it can stimulate their creative thinking.  Parents, teachers, school and other components that related to education system can help and support a positive learning environment. This condition will bring students to have good learning experience. Furthermore, Mantle-Bromley as cited by Iulia stated that without a positive learning atmosphere, students may well gain little or nothing from new curricular infusions. 

6.    Personal Attributes

Personal attributes in motivation learning English refer to aptitudes, skills, values, learning experience etc.  To be more successful in English proficiency, people need to have a good personal attributes. Personal attributes can be taught at school or at home, but students can be developed with their own willingness.

Bibliography : 
Nada Salem Abisamra.  Affect in Language Learning: Motivation.nadaisland.com
Alba Iulia. Affect in Language Learning.www.uab.ro.
Susan A. Ambrose et al.(2010). How Learning Works. (San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint), p.3.

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